As my departure date rapidly approaches I’ve been thinking about all the things that I will miss about living in Toledo, and so I decided to write a list (some of these are a little sarcastic, can you guess which?)
- · Being able to go out of the house without a big jacket most of the year.
- · Free tapas with your drink
- · Buying beer in a litre bottle for a euro
- · Not having to decide if I want to go out until 2am because none of the parties have started until then anyway
- · Outside clubs, ‘nuff said
- · Coming home at 7am after dancing all night and passing out when you get home
- · Being able to speak Spanish with people!
- · Dodgy Spanish hair-dos (more like hair-don’t’s)
- · Nosy neighbours
- · The tiny streets (beautiful, but they mean you’re very likely to get run-down)
- · Reggaeton
- · Camelot (a club bearing more than passing resemblance to a cave which hosted the majority of the Erasmus parties)
- · Erasmus people
- · Erasmus parties
- · Botellon
- · Running by the River Tragus (Rio Tajo)
- · How short the men are
- · The long walk along the river which gives you the most amazing panoramic views of the city (Camino de Don Quijote)
- · Being able to go food shopping at half 8 because Carrefour doesn’t close until 9
- · Not being ID’ed every five seconds when I go out, or even when I want to buy alcohol
- · How beautiful Toledo is and how lucky I feel to live here
- · How relaxed the professors are, to the point where they always turn up 20 minutes late for class
- · How the banks are only open until 2 and never on weekends......
- · Being able to turn up an hour late to everything and no one even bats an eyelid
- The sunset
- · Being able to say “Oh I’m living in Spain at the moment”.....
Toledo, you will always have a piece of my heart.