I don't often write any more, but this was something inspired by Toledo....
You walk down the cobbled street,
The sun beating down, heat seeping into your skin,
Warming you, flowing through your body into your bones.
You look up, up at the buildings, built in the days of before,
The representation of the past and the promise of new beginnings.
Signs tell you the road, but you don’t care.
You don’t need names. You know where you’re going.
You keep walking, people passing; you are alone.
You are lost in your mind, only accompanied by your thoughts.
Such a beautiful place.
How did you end up here?
You reach a river, the light bouncing off the surface; shimmer.
The bright blue sky, the burning sun, the glimmering water.
How did you end up here? Such a beautiful place.
Buzzing, sounds of insects, gliding their way through life.
How nice to have the whole sky as your destination.
The warmth is still with you, sweat beads glisten on your skin.
How did you end up here?
Sounds of cars, people driving by; you are alone.
Alone with your thoughts.
Such a beautiful place.
No road signs now, you know where you’re going.
How many people have walked this road before you?
How many will walk this road after you?
The infinity of this unique moment. A moment which is now, and forever.
You arrive.
Such a beautiful place.
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